Dear Subscriber,
As mentioned previously, VW Camper and Commercial Magazine had been taken over by Andy Morgan/ADD Media in hopes that the magazine, which was due to close, could be continued for the benefit of VW Camper and Commercial readers.
We had agreed that ADD Media would take over the liabilities and assets of the Magazine starting with the latest issue. Unfortunately ADD Media have been unable to keep their side of the agreement and will not be delivering the magazine to existing subscribers. We have tried to work with them, providing them with everything that had been agreed but they do not see delivering existing subscriptions as workable.
I am very sorry that you, the subscriber, have been treated like this. It was not the intention of Jazz Publishing that this would happen. Had we closed the magazine we would have refunded all monies due for the remainder of your cancelled subscription. However, instead of closing the magazine we hoped that we had done the best thing for VW Camper and Commercial readers by handing the title, assets, advertisers and all subscribers over in good faith to ADD Media. In the terms of that handover, the agreement was clear, they would be responsible for all costs & expenses associated with issue 157 and all future issues.
ADD Media are now refusing to honour some of the liabilities and obligations of the magazine including existing subscriptions. We appreciate that this is not your argument. It is an argument between us as the original publishers of the Magazine and ADD Media to whom we transferred all of the assets of the Magazine. We feel that as you put your trust in us and supported the magazine when we were running it, it’s only fair that we will do the right thing for you and refund you your outstanding balance of your individual subscriptions . This can be done in one of a few ways and if you head to our website you will see how.
I very much regret that this situation has arisen and that until now VW Camper and Commercial’s existing subscribers feel they have been let down. I very much regret that the new publishers have treated existing subscribers in this way. Had I any clue as to how this was going to be managed by Mr Andy Morgan of ADD Media, I would never have agreed to the transfer of the Magazine and its assets to him. I did not foresee any of these problems or expect such unprofessionalism. It is difficult enough running a small business in our current climate and this has been very stressful and time consuming.
Thank you and once again I am sorry that you have had to be treated this way, it certainly was not our intention.
Stuart Mears
MD of Jazz Publishing